Monday, December 31, 2012

If I Ignore It, It Doesn't Exist...

One day one of my little nephews came up to me and asked me if the equator was a real line that went around the Earth, or just an imaginary one. I had to laugh. Laugh and laugh. Because I didn't know, and I thought that maybe by laughing he would forget what he asked me.- Jack Handy, SNL Deep thoughts

Walking into my son's soccer game a few weeks ago, there was a little girl named Lily. She is probably two or three at most, cute little stinker. She was in a mood that night and when I said hi to her, she turned her head the other way and pretended that she didn't hear me. So of course, I spent the next hour, trying to win her heart over, tempting her with teases, treats, and everything I could think of. Guess what? She won! She did not give me the time of day. (sidenote, the next week she was my best friend) Kids are like that and I think sometimes we as adults are like that as well.

Sometimes, ignoring problems or questions that pop up in life seems like a good idea but sometimes it creates more problems. By ignoring those in our life that are difficult and sometimes hurtful, we are sometimes neglecting what God would have us do. Now here is a big disclaimer: I am the one being ignored, so it is easy for me to write how wrong it is to ignore others. But go with me on this....if you were struggling and trying your very best and your family, significant other, best friend, acquaintance, or neighbor decided your weaknesses were just to hard to deal with and they started ignoring you, would you like that? Is that what God wants us to do? Just go after the 90 and 9 or remember the 1? Yep, sounds like I am guilting you all into not ignoring, and I am. 

But they hurt me...But they are unhealthy...But they are psycho...But they are draining...But they are not good for me....But they cause too much destruction.

These are common arguments that often we hear in our heads. Recently, I was reading a book that was talking of compassion, and it suggested that we step outside of ourselves and craft a story of understanding for the person that is hurtful, unhealthy, psycho, draining, and not good for you, and see if the seeds of compassion start to sprout from your heart. This is a step that is necessary at times when forgiveness is hard. The book goes on to say that the hurt that they created in you or damage is unacceptable yet recognizing that people are doing the best they can with what capabilities they have, will help free you and turn you to compassion.

Now let me state here, I am in no way suggesting that if you are being physically beat up or the equivalent that you should just take it and find compassion. By all means stay safe. I am suggesting a higher law of God's of living in a way that He does, where the heart guides us, love guides us, a desire for our brother and sisters to make it home guides us.

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