Thursday, December 6, 2012

Doing the right thing...

Sometimes doing the right thing, stinks!  I am almost 40 years old and I still act like I'm three at times. Grrrrr! I want to throw the tantrum when I don't get the candy.  Why is this? Well, let me tell a little story, but first, I need to give you the background.

I was at home one Sunday watching the OWN network. Yes, Oprah Winfrey's Network. I have not been a huge fan of Oprah during her daytime talkshow years but I did appreciate her show when a good guest or topic was on.  So I was not what you would call an Oprah Groupie by any means. I was watching an episode of Change My Life with Iyanla or someone.  The topic was on how secrets destroy people and families.  It was really interesting. But during one of the breaks, Oprah mentioned a man named Deepak Chopra, and my life has now changed.

I want to share a few nuggets of inspiration that I have been learning from him. First, he offered a free 21 day meditation course which I hesitantly signed up for, but hey it was free right? I've never meditated previously and didn't know a whole lot about it. But as I did the first couple of meditations I was mesmerized by the beautiful words he was saying before each meditation. They rang a chord of truth through to my soul.  And yes, I realize totally that I'm posting very heavy for my second post. Sorry no shootin' bull here. Straight up talk only.

Well, I went to the local library and looked up some of his books.  I have recently gone through a falling out with a friend that threw me for a loop. So when I saw his book called "The Happiness Prescription" I thought I would give it a try. We were going to Las Vegas for a soccer tourney for the Thanksgiving weekend and I thought it would be good if I took the 4 days to work on my spiritual self and see where I was so off in my feelings.  While at the library I also saw that he co-authored a book called "The Shadow Effect."  The books changed my life almost instantly. 

Basically, I learned that doing the right thing is innate in us as we are born in LOVE. God, your Higher Power, or whatever you want to call your Creator, is LOVE.  When we are acting in love, no darkness, no shadow, no fear can exist.  Okay, please pull your head from the porcelain king known as the toilet and stop puking at how incredibly sappy and deep this post is, but it's true!

I am struggling to see, in the closest friendship I've had, that has grown so ugly that I wasn't wronged very deeply.  I am struggling with ugly, dark, anger, blaming, and mean feelings towards how my so-called best friend could let me sit here and suffer.  Then the answer came to me...She isn't!  She loves me just as much as she always had despite her behaviors because she is good and she is love.  She is from God.  It was my dark shadows that let me project my guilt, hurt, and anger and not have compassion for her and recognize all the beautiful things she gave to me and my kids. (more on that later).

Okay, I realize that I just posted some really vague impressions of some deep concepts and just lost all 2 readers of this blog in complete fog and boredom.  But if you stick with me, you will see, the answers are there for the taking. So for now, even if I want to throw the tantrum, I'm going to do the right thing.

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