Saturday, December 8, 2012

And now deep thoughts...

"If you are ever caught in a fire try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because I bet that's what will really throw you into a panic." - Jack Handy

If you were a child of the 70's-90's you may be familiar with Saturday Night Live's skit "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy." They were funny little sayings like the one above that would confound your brain for a moment and then make you smile. Well, we are going in deep for this post, I hope you come out smiling.

There is no problem on Earth that cannot be solved, demonstrated in our love for each other, with the power of God's love.  This is where miracles are born.  I told you this was going to be heavy. Grrr! Sorry, I had full intentions of writing some post on where did the cereal Count Chocula and Boo Berry go, and then it hit me...I had to post about MIRACLES. Call it God's intervention, holiday season, or whatever you might, but welcome to my brain.

Now sit with me for a moment and bring just your heart to the table. If God is everywhere which He is, then He is in you. If He is in you, then you are love for we already know God is love. Where love is, miracles are bound to happen. So have you asked for your miracle yet? In Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson, she brings up the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. She points out that the Fairy Godmother works with what she has.  She makes the carriage from a pumpkin, she did not call a limo service, she turned rags into a ballgown and did not use Saks Fifth Avenue. She illuminated the divine within. This is the key, love from within us opens the doors to miracles.  Williamson then makes the point, "When we forget that we are love, we forget to love."

In my recent trial of losing a friendship, I was caught up in anger, blame, and hatred. I didn't yet understand that it presented the greatest opportunity for a miracle. I realized that she and I had been caught up in fear and we had forgotten who we are because we are love. We forgot to love each other. If love existed then fear would not have taken over and destroyed the possibilities for a lifetime enduring friendship. But you see, that's not where the story ends, it can still happen. Forgiveness is love. We cannot stand passive and think it is enough to say we love someone. Action in the form of forgiveness, conviction in the form of service, and duty to mend hearts can and will bring miracles. I could not order a new friend out of a catalog or force my friend to want to work on repair and rebuilding our friendship. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I had to change me and that changed everything.

My miracle came during the hardest trial, I learned to actively love. I am learning compassion and forgiveness and most of all that I am love.  It is a privilege to be a part of miracles, to have God with me, to love as He would, to be embracing of all love. This is a far step from who I was a week ago with feelings of revenge, hate, sabotage, hurt, and despair.  These were fear based emotions. Now I understand who I am. I will work from the heart not my head. So this holiday season, I have my miracle. I hope to have new ones each day! I realize this post was a little erratic in the flow and understanding due to my excitement and discovery of what I have experienced and is commonly referred to as a "change in heart."

Wrapping this post up, I make reference to the deep thought at the top of this post. I had to look in the mirror after having been in the fire and I did panic at what I saw.  However, I learned that fear is not the answer, seeing love, acting on love, and being love is the answer.

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