Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Purpose...

Here is a little bit of honesty from me...I have felt entirely like a waste of human flesh for nearly 40 years. Yes, I am approaching that milestone in age. Ugh!

My entire life I felt like a screw up or a big failure. On the outside it looked like I was doing okay, successful, college graduate, honor student, but when it came to living the laws and principles of Jesus Christ and God or the Cosmic being or anything you want to name your higher power, I was failing!

One day my purpose slapped me upside the head.  And here I am blogging.  I'm not funny, I'm not a good writer, but hopefully I can pass on insight from my mistakes and my successes and my little finds of joy and you can find something you might like in here.

I know I am weird and different, but there is a plan for me.  The Cosmic universe needs me, I belong, I fit, I can contribute and give.  I am here. And I love life.