Saturday, February 16, 2013

Family...Not always blood

I love this saying for more reasons than you can imagine. First, I am adopted. So I've always made my family the people who God puts in my life. From kindred spirits to those who I've served with, my family is defined to me by the people who love me unconditionally.

Thank you to those who know me, know my weaknesses, know I am at times struggling, hurt, damaged, vulnerable, and yet who have God's love in them and love me despite these things.  I look at you as my own flesh and blood.

It got me thinking this morning as I sat alone without anyone around. Isn't that truly the purpose of life? To know that we are all family more than flesh and bones because we share something much more important...a spiritual heritage and spiritual dna so to say that means more than all of this.

This is why forgiveness and loving like God would is important. It is essential to our refining process. Sit with the thought, would you be okay standing in His presence saying you didn't do what you could to love, help, bring, or support someone home? When I pondered that this morning, I knew I needed to make some changes.

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