Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Worth of a Soul

I love this saying because for the last 6 months I have felt like I have zero worth. Then I was reminded of Robin Williams saying...

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone . . . it's not! The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone." 
- Robin Williams

When you have been surrounded by people who tell you they love you unconditionally and then the rug is pulled out from under you, it makes you question who you are. Are you really unlovable? Are you really of such low value or such a bad person that another would not want anything to do with you? These are questions I was asking myself. Then I got the answer....it doesn't matter what they think. It matters what my Heavenly Father thinks and knows and what I know about myself.  

Reading Uchtdorf's quote, I know that I have worth. If my pbff or her family doesn't value me or my kids in their life anymore, it really is their loss. We still value them. Amazing people that anyone is lucky enough to rub shoulder's with. God has great things in store for her and her family, she is that kind of person.

But back to my value since this is a let's talk about me blog. I realized that my worth doesn't come in just the form of I'm a good person, etc. It comes into light with I am of divine origin and have divine qualities. So if you know of people struggling and their divine qualities are not showing, it's our responsibility to help them, love them, support them, and recognize that we will be asked by God at the pearly gates, what we did to help them. Often times, at least it's my belief, that sometimes members of the church are so caught up in getting people converted that they don't look to see that people amongst them need just as much help. This is because everyone, sinners and saints, all have worth that can't be measured to our Heavenly Father and many have covenanted to help them. 

I have been a poor example of this up until recently. Which is going to lead to my next post about the Natural Man and doing the opposite of what you want to do sometimes. 

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