Saturday, June 8, 2013

I am lonely...legend! Say hello to me.

There is a movie with Will Smith in it that is called "I am Legend." It is not my type of movie but it I watched it with my teenagers who watch all sorts of movies. The movie's plot is basically a post apocalyptic view after a doctor tried to invent a cure for cancer with a strain of measles which mutated and instead ended up killing 90% of humanity.

Will Smith's character goes through a moment where it is one of the most emotional scenes ever. Thinking there is no one else for him, after his dog dies, he then begs for a mannequin to talk to him. He is so lonely. There is no one for him, he has lost everyone he cares about and loves, and feels entirely alone.

Here is a clip....

I am feeling this way. I know this is TMI but I think there are some huge parallels. In my friendship with my bff that I lost it was due to a good thing mutating to something that killed the friendship as well. So this was quite a lot to take in. Ever since the killing of the friendship I have been begging for her to say hi.

As I know this blog is really over the top about my friend, it is because I lost so much. It breaks my heart they were so quick to say goodbye to us. Guess we offered them nothing. I know this is a pity pony post. But we did lose a lot. We lost her and her entire family. We lost her 3 sisters who my kids called aunts, we lost 2 brothers who my kids called uncles, we lost cousins, grandma and grandpa, and most importantly a best friend and my kids second mom.

I can't do it anymore. I tried fasting, praying, serving, and now I can barely exist. I guess the point of this blog is please forgive people, please extend them love, please don't let people feel like this. Charity never faileth.

And in counting my blessings and in the words of Winnie the Pooh..."How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

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